Maxforce Quantum Ant Bait - Ideal for quarterly service accounts or whenever extended control of ants is desired. A ready-to-use insecticidal bait for the control of ants in and around domestic premises, public and industial buildings and food handling premises. The gel contains imidacloprid 0. ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 0. A ready to use viscous liquid bait for the management of certain pest ants . Product description: Contains 0. MaxForce Quantum Ant Bait is effective both indoors and outdoors to encourage foraging ants to take the bait to their colony killing the queen. For the control of ants in and around the home. Memiliki formulasi unik sehingga tidak berbau, . Ventílese antes de entrar en el recinto.

The formulation is especially efficacious against . Informazioni sul prodotto . Unlike ant gel baits that begin to lose moisture . See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. Your Trusted Brand for Pest Control Equipment - Agrofog. Ev içinde ve çevresindeki karıncaların kontrolüne . Bayer Environmental Science.
Ready-to-use inconspicuous and non-repellent insecticidal bait for the control of ants in and around domestic premises, public buildings, food storage and . SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No. Indendørs: For den sorte havemyre udlægges der i de revner og sprækker myrerne entrerer bygningen, samt på de . ANT TRAP MAXFORCE QUANTUM 2G. Attractants lead the ant to the box. Temporarily out of stock.
Kontaktvätska eller gel. Enkel och effektiv myrbekämpning inomhus. Ficam-W-Sweden Insektsmedel . Cebo universal multiespecie contra hormigas. Bardzo atrakcyjna i nie wysychająca. Insecticidal bait for the control of ants.
Only to be used by individuals holding an . Het middel is zeer aantrekkelijk voor mieren en blijft minstens 3 . Features imidacloprid and 3 . Imidacloprid Ant Control Liquid Bait with stations 1Gram Bottle: Amazon.
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